*Important information before we start.
Before we dive into any book of the Bible it is important to
look at the background of that book. If we fail to look at the background, we
might miss the mark when interpreting biblical events and applying biblical truths
today. So, what should we know before we begin?
1st, we should know the author. The author of the book of Acts is Luke. Luke was a
traveling companion to Paul and is also the writer of the gospel of Luke (the
prequel to Acts). Together, these 2 books compile 22% of the New Testament.
Luke was a theologian, diplomat and historian. He had a
desire to communicate the history of the early church accurately. And so he wrote to a man named Theophilus
(meaning ‘one who loves God’), probably around 62-64AD, to give a truthful account of the events of the early
church in the first century.
One might wonder, what impact Jesus’ life, death and
resurrection had on the first century? Acts is a beautiful account of this 30
year period after Jesus ascended into heaven. The glorious truths you witness about Jesus' expanding Kingdom in the 1st century are still seen today, 2000 years later. The gospel continues to bear fruit and grow all over the world. He
is still changing lives, expanding His Kingdom, and growing His church.
Acts is an important book as it bridges the gap between the
Old and New Testament and through historical
narrative provides an objective account of the earliest followers of Christ
and the growth of the Christian movement.
As my seminary professor puts it so eloquently, the overarching intent of
the book is to
“‘Join with the very first witnesses to Jesus Christ by
believing in Him as
the risen Savior and Lord of all, becoming together with
all Christ-followers
everywhere God’s own people filled by His Spirit.’
Are you ready?
Thanks for sharing. I never knew these facts. Looking forward to your next blog post.