Reflection on Acts 8

The book of Acts displays the work of God through His people. The disciples boldly testify to the truth of Christ as the fulfillment of God's promise and many come to faith in Jesus as Christianity spreads. We see open evangelism and testimony, healing and miracles. The story of the Ethiopian eunuch shows an intimate portrait of personal evangelism. Early in Acts, we see how the proclaiming of Christ saves THOUSANDS of lives. Here we see the miracle of ONE life saved.

What I love about this story is that it reveals God 's authorship and orchestration in all salvation. Philip is a first hand witness to the beauty of God's fore-planning. With a willing heart, Philip is invited to be a catalyst in God's design.

The sequence of events are quite baffling and show God's relentless love for reaching the lost. An angel tells Philip to go to a desert road, a travel route to Egypt. Then the Holy Spirit tells Philip to walk alongside an Ethiopian treasurer's carriage. As he does, the Ethiopian man reads aloud a passage- from the Scriptures- which prophecies Christ's crucifixion. 

Philip then asks the man whether he understands what he is reading. It is at this point that we see why God has put Philip on this dusty road. The Ethiopian's response displays both a hunger and an awareness of his helplessness: "How can I, unless someone instructs me?" (8:31). Remember, this man is returning from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem (27). He came to God's temple seeking to worship the One true God. Yet as he leaves he has questions. Now God brings His temple and His royal priesthood to this man in the form of Philip (1 Peter 2:9). God sees the man on the dusty desert road. Christ died for this man. Crushed, humiliated, chastised, stricken and pierced, Christ willingly poured out His soul to death as a ransom for this man's transgressions in order to bring him life (Isaiah 53).

And when Philip hears the eunuch's words which reflect a humbled heart, what does he do? Philip opens his mouth and speaks Christ!  God poured out His Spirit on His redeemed people and gave the command to spread His truth to the ends of the earth. We are on HIS mission. Philip is a new creation in Christ, fully surrendered to God's mission of "reconciling the world to Himself in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). When God asks, Philip goes and when God prompts, Philip speaks gladly the truth of Christ.

And the Ethiopian man's response to hearing the Gospel? "Look! There's some water! Why can't I be baptized?" (37). What a gift of faith! For myself, it echoes words of the crowd of 3,000 in response to Peter's testimony: "Brothers, what should we do?" (Acts 2:37). There is an urgency that comes from the knowledge of Christ! It is an invitation that compels the whole heart and we see the evidence of God's transformation in this man. He is baptized and leaves rejoicing!

Christ is the author of life and salvation.  He saves us for Himself through Himself.  Whether we are in a crowd of multitude or on a desert road, Christ sees us and offers us life!  As His beloved, we have the joy of being His people on His mission  for His glory.  He truly is an amazing God!

"But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved" (Ephesians 2:4-5).

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