Praise the Father for the gift of His Son that was given TO US. Ask Him to open your eyes up to the great treasure that Jesus is! Ask for an expectant heart as you await His return.
Read Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given
This is the greatest gift. To US a child is born. This child shows the humanity of the Deliverer. This baby shows the humanity of the Saviour. The one to be born would be fully man.
And to us a son is given. Given to us from whom? From God. This shows His divine nature. The one to be born would be fully God and fully man. The second member of the trinity, who had enjoyed perfect fellowship with the Father and worship of the angels throughout all eternity, left His throne in heaven to become a baby, in a dirty feeding trough. He entered into the dirtiness, the darkness and the sinfulness of our world for you and for me.
This child would be the one to crush the head of the snake. This eternal son was the only one who is able to absorb the eternal wrath that we deserve. He suffered immensely for you and for me that we might be rescued. But as with any gift that is given, it must be received. Have you received this Son? Do you receive and enter into the gift of relationship that He offers you? Do you commune with Him? Do you speak to Him in prayer and hear from Him in the Word?
Or, are you far too busy? Remember we are not saved just to be saved. We are saved for a relationship that will satisfy our souls and will empower and equip us to be a part of His amazing, eternal plan of redemption.
Let us be found ready.
In some ways, we find ourselves in a similar situation as the Jews. We await our Saviours’ coming. As I read through the gospels it saddens me that the Jews were not studying the Scriptures and eagerly awaiting their Messiah! They missed it! Though, there were great prophesies of where He would be born, to whom He would be born, for whom He would be born….they missed it. In fact, it was the Gentile wise men who searched for Him. And when they asked the religious leaders where the king of the Jews was to be born, those who searched the scriptures told them, Bethlehem…but they did not rush to see Him! Only the Gentile Magi were found journeying to worship the newborn King.
What about us? Will we be found watching and waiting? Will we be found studying the scriptures and awaiting the day of His coming? Or like the Jews, will we miss it?
Let us prepare our hearts this advent not only to rejoice in the great gift at His first coming but to eagerly expect and anticipate His coming again.
*Grab your journal & Bible. Reflect on the following questions:
Read Titus 2:13. What is our blessed hope?
Read 1 John 3:2-3. What does our hope result in?
Read Luke 12:36. How should we wait?
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