He is Our Salvation

Ask the Lord to help you behold His glory and the glory of His salvation.

Read Isaiah 9:2

The people who walked in darkness
    have seen a great light;
those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness,
    on them has light shone.

What does light symbolize? In the Scriptures light is synonymous with life. Eternal life. John 1:4 says that ‘in [Jesus] was life; and the life was the light of men.

The great light that has shone into this dark world has come that we might be delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. This great light has shone so that we might be delivered from judgment and inherit eternal life. This great light has shone so that we might be saved.

Jesus’ very name means ‘God is salvation’. Scripture speaks of the salvation that Jesus brings in three tenses: past, present and future.

Past: We have been saved from the penalty of sin.

Present: We are being saved from the power of sin.

Future: We will be saved from the presence of sin.

We have been saved from the penalty of our sins.

This is our justification. Think for a minute what your life and eternal destiny would be like without Jesus. Without Jesus, we await a destiny that would terrify us beyond measure. Without Jesus we all await a punishment so severe that it would take eternity to pay off because the debt of our sin is so great.

But thanks be to God that Jesus took the penalty that we deserve for our sins so that we might go free. Praise the Lord that Jesus lived the perfect life that we could not live and died the death that we deserve and was raised again for our salvation. By faith, we have been justified, declared righteous, and made a saint in God’s eyes. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).

We are being saved from the power of sin.

This is our sanctification. Upon believing in Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit who gives us a new heart and new affections. The Holy Spirit empowers us to put sin to death and live a new life in Christ. We are no longer slaves to sin but slaves to righteousness. God breaks the chains of sin in our heart and enables us to live godly lives. When the Holy Spirit gives us a new heart, we are able to ‘run in the path of His commands for [He] has set our heart free!’ Psalm 119:32. This gives us great hope. God IS able to change us. We can become more & more like Him every day. The very power that raised Christ from the grave is at work in us. He can transform our heart. Praise the Lord!

We will be saved from the presence of sin.

This is  our glorification. Glorification is the final removal of sin from the life of the Christian. In Revelation 21 we see a glorious day when all evil, darkness and pain will be gone forever. We will live with God in a New Heavens and a New Earth with no sickness, sorrow, pain or death. He will wipe away every tear from every eye, and we will live in a perfect paradise, with our triune God, for all eternity.

The hope Jesus brings is a multifaceted hope. It is a hope that delivers us from judgment, empowers us to be conformed to the very character of Christ, & satisfies our deepest desire for a world free from all sin where we will live with our glorious Saviour & God.. 

*Devotions are posted every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday & Friday until the week of Christmas


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