Reflection on John 13:1-20

Hello friends! It has been a while, but I am glad to join you again. After 6 chapters on and 6 chapters off, I am back to reflect on the rest of John with all of you!

And what a wonderful time it is to jump back into the game! Jesus’ teachings in John chapters 13-17 are some of my favourite chapters to reflect on in scripture. 

We dive into John 13 and get a beautiful picture of how God in the flesh acts towards His imperfect followers. He is not a King that demands red carpet treatment. On the contrary, at His last meal on earth, instead of being adored and praised by His disciples, He descends beneath the disciples to serve them. His last night on earth, which should be a night to honour the King of Kings, becomes a night to pour His love on His disciples. Jesus shows us what true love looks like in this simple act of foot washing. We learn love is not about satisfying our own self-interest but about seeking the best for the other. 

So, what motivated Jesus to serve His disciples in such a humiliating fashion? I see two things:

First, we read in John 13:1 that ‘when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.’

LOVE was the first motivation. This one sentence is so full of beauty for those who will meditate on it. In John 3:16 we read that the Father so loved the world that He gave the Son, but in this passage we read that the Son so loved His own that He gave Himself. 

Don’t miss this: If you are in Christ, you are loved. And His love is more glorious and satisfying than any other love you may experience in your life. Do you feel alone or forgotten­? Hurt by constant critique? Unnoticed in your constant service? Let me remind you today that if you are His daughter, Jesus is whispering in your ear His love for you. Let this truth fill you. NOTHING can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus (see Romans 8:38-39). 

So, love for His disciples was the first motivation for Jesus to lay aside His high position to serve. The second motivation is recorded in verses 3 & 4:
 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God,  rose from supper” John 13:3-4
Second, JESUS KNEW HIS IDENTITY. He knew the Father had given Him all things and that He had come from God and was going back to God. He was firmly rooted in His identity. He was the unique son of God. He didn’t have to prove Himself to anyone: He knew who He was. 

What about us? Do we know our identity? Do we know the splendour of being a child of God? Or do we live to prove ourselves to others by our homes, clothes, hairstyle, or facebook status? The truth is, the more we understand who we are in Christ, the greater our ability to descend into service. The more we experience the affection Christ has for us the more we will learn the art of self-forgetfulness. The more we will learn to love

Jesus did not need anyone’s affirmation. He lived for the Father’s praise. If He were living for the praise of the disciples He would not have served in such a humbling fashion. But Jesus only cared about the approval of One and this allowed Him to pour love on His disciples without thinking about what His own glory or position. He did not need to feel superior by ruling over them. He gladly came underneath them to lift them up because He knew His true position. 

May we be the kind of people who gladly step down from the honours of our high positions to partake in humble serving because we know we are loved and accepted in Christ.

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