Reflection on John 14:1-14

Imagine a perfect world.

Get this: It existed at one point in time. And it will exist again. 

We long for such a world without pain & suffering, sickness & disease, rage & abuse. We long for a world where sin is scrubbed away and hearts are clean. We long for a world free from the ugliness we encounter on a daily basis. 

Unfortunately, we live in between these 2 realities. Because of Adam & Eve’s first sin, we reap the consequences of their destructive action. Instead of experiencing perfect blessing day-to-day, we experience the curse. 

But, we can look forward with HOPE to the day when everything will be made right again. This reality rests with the Father. So the next question is, ‘how can I be sure that I will be with the Father and experience the reality of a perfect world once again?’ Jesus answers the question in John 14:6:

I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Perfect relationship with God was the norm…for a time. When Adam & Eve sinned and darkness slithered into this world, this picture-perfect communion was broken. Instead of eternal life, humanity would experience death. Instead of perfect relationships with God and each other there would be brokenness and separation. Instead of truth, there would be lies. 

But God did not want it to end this way. His plan from the beginning was to rescue humanity from this pit they had fallen into. And He sent Jesus to be our rescuer. 

Jesus is the way to the Father. Communion with God the Father and experiencing eternal life with Him forever is possible. Believing in Jesus and His life, death and resurrection on our behalf is the way to a reconciled relationship with the Father.

The world has it wrong. All paths DO NOT lead to God. Only ONE path leads to God. His name is Jesus. HE is the ONLY WAY. He is not like our Enemy, the Father of lies. He alone proclaims the truth and is the truth. In Jesus is eternal life.  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

And so we say with Paul, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.”  Acts 16:31

The way to eternal life is not by obeying all the commandments.
It is not by being good enough.
It is not by confessing your sins to a priest and doing penance. 

There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

JESUS: The only way.  

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