Hello ladies.
As promised, here is the Bible Read Through Plan I have been using. It is called the 5 Day Bible Reading Program. If you look at the first bullet under Week 1 you will see Genesis 1-2, Psalm 19, Mark 1. Typically, I will listen to the Old Testament on my phone (the ESV Bible app is great) as I wake up with a cup of coffee. Then I will slowly read through the New Testament Scriptures for the day. Lastly, I will pray through the Psalm, if there is one included. This has been a wonderful plan because I get to read from the New Testament and Old Testament. Typically I try to read 7 days a week, and if I need a catch up day at some point, I will use it.
Other plans worth considering are below:
Navigator New Testament Reading Plan
Bible Reading Chart
TableTalk Reading Plan
Also, if you like listening to the Word of God, the Dwell app is a wonderful option and has MANY plans! Normally there is a cost to it, but right now it is free for 60 days. Here is a link for you to access this free trial: https://dwellapp.io/signup/with/ZnVNdf
God's richest blessings to you as you dwell in His Word!
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