New Year's Blessings

Hello friends!

2016 is coming to a was your year? Full of joys? Full of challenges?

Today is a great day to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new year and all the Lord has in store. If it was a good year: PRAISE GOD! If it was a hard year, take heart. His mercies are new every morning, and it is a NEW year tomorrow.

"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" - Anne of Green Gables

Tomorrow is indeed a new day. 2017 here we come.

I LOVE the new year. I love the opportunity to reflect on the past and make goals for the future. I had a beautiful retreat this afternoon planning for the new year. Last week I made a list of the 'good' and 'hard' of 2016. It is sweet to my soul to reflect on all the Lord has brought me through and give Him praise for His good gifts. His sovereign hand is over it all!

I want to take this opportunity encourage the ladies in my life to make it a priority to meet with the Lord in His Word in 2017. Make a priority to soak in the Scriptures. In fact, if you have never read through the Bible cover to cover, I want to challenge you to read through it this year!!!

If you are looking for a reading plan - check out The Bible Project Reading Plan. It is an amazing resource with helpful videos to understand the flow of the different books of the Bible. The Bible Project is a gift to us. I am so blessed by it. If you do not do the reading plan, you should at least check out the resources available @

Another option is to follow the reading plan and take it at your own pace. For some it works better to complete the plan over two years. The important thing is that you are in the Word and that you apply yourself to read through the whole counsel of God (see Acts 20:27). 

If reading through the whole Bible feels too intimidating at this time in your life, challenge yourself to read through the book of Proverbs in January. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs...1 for every day of the month...start your year off seeking God's wisdom!

What are the goals and dreams on your heart for this new year?

Wishing you all New Years Blessings!

*Check out this article about the One Must-Read This Year by John Piper.

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