Reflection on John 1:1-18

There are three things that shine so beautifully  in this passage into my heart:

1. Jesus is fully God.
2. Jesus is fully Man.
3. Jesus is the Light & Life that brings hope into this world of darkness & death.

It is such a sweet thing to reflect on the Father and the Son's communion from eternity past. God the Father and God the Son had no need of humanity, and yet out of their overflowing love, with the Holy Spirit, they created our world, fully knowing the disobedience and destruction that humanity would bring into their perfect world.

Jesus is God, full of light and life. He is the creator of all; The Father's agent in creating all things. We can picture God in the garden scooping up the dirt, forming the first man, and breathing LIFE into him (See Genesis 2:7). The life came from Him. The man became physically alive and spiritually alive. It came through Jesus (John 1:3, Col 1:16, 1 Cor 8:6, John 1:10, Heb 1:2).

The first act of disobedience and rebellion brought darkness into the world and into the hearts of man. Their bodies would suffer the consequence of their sins. They would die. This was never the plan. God had made humanity to live forever with Him.

But God had a plan to rescue, redeem, and restore this broken world. He would come down. Not as the mighty King that He is, but as a humble servant. In flesh and blood, He would come (See John 1:14). God would live among humanity. He had a plan to reverse the effects of the Fall...He would push back the darkness and bring renewal and life and hope to those willing to receive Him and believe in His name (see John 1:12).

But what effect does a bright light have on those in darkness? It is blinding. Sometimes it hurts the eyes. Many were offended by Jesus and didn't know how to receive this piercing light. But to those who did receive Him, the darkness in their hearts would be pushed back and the most amazing thing would happen in their lives: they would become new creations.

You see, Jesus isn't content to leave this world as it is. He is making EVERYTHING new. And it starts with us. To those who believe in Him, He gives us the Holy Spirit and we are born again into His family. We get to experience the eternal life we were created for and He uses us as agents of righteousness to push back the darkness in our broken world.

This all points forward to the future where He will re-create everything: there will be a New Heavens and New Earth with no more sickness or pain, darkness or death (see Rev 21:1-4). His Kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven. It will a sweet day to those who receive Jesus and believe in His name.

This beautiful prologue starts and ends with a shining declaration of Jesus' deity. JESUS IS GOD. Don't miss this. Many Pharisees miss this later on. Many in the church miss this. God became man, yet He never ceased to be God. THIS IS AMAZING. Let it sink in. The God that created you knew you would rebel. He knew He would have to suffer and die to pay the penalty for your sin and win you back. He did this because of His great love for YOU. The light is shining right now. Will you receive Him?

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