He is Our Deliverer

 Praise the Lord that He delivers us from bondage & slavery to sin. Praise the Lord that He is our new master and we are free. Ask for His help to put sin to death and walk by His Spirit.

Read Isaiah 9:4

For the yoke of his burden,
    and the staff for his shoulder,
    the rod of his oppressor,
    you have broken as on the day of Midian.

Do you remember Gideon and the Midianites? This is the picture the Lord wants to paint for us. 

Grab your Bible, a journal & a pen. Read Judges 6. What was Israel’s situation in chapter 6:1-2?

What caused it?

How is this picture of oppression like our spiritual condition before Christ? See Romans 6:6; 14, Galatians 5:1

How does God choose to deliver Israel from the Midianites?

As in the days of Midian, when God called a fainthearted man from a small tribe to deliver the Israelites from Midian, He chose not to accomplish this with 32000 men but with a meager 300. He wanted to make it unmistakably clear that the victory that was won was done by Him and not by human might.  His weapons of war? 300 torches and trumpets. That’s it. That’s how God wins the victory. They simply stood and shouted, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!” and Midian in great confusion turned against itself and they began slaughtering each other. Charles Spurgeon said “Midian melted away before them. So shall it be with our sins, and doubts, and fears, if we believe in Jesus, the incarnate God; they shall vanish like the mists of the morning. The Lord Jesus will break the yoke of our burden, and the rod of our oppressor, as in the day of Midian. Be of good courage, ye that are in bondage to fierce and cruel adversaries; for in the name of Jesus, who is God with us, you shall destroy them.”

Jesus offers freedom and he offers a better yoke. He is calling us today. Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden. Do you hear that call today? He is talking to you. He says come to me. I will give you rest. Don’t we all desire rest? He says take my yoke upon you. You are delivered from slavery and now you get to put on a new yoke  which will bring you great delight and satisfaction, and you will get to learn from one humble in heart.  He is gentle with you and you will find great rest for your souls. Jesus ‘deliverance is great.

If you struggle with particular sin patterns, take heart. This king is able to deliver you. He is able to break the chains. You have a new master.  Read Romans 6. Reflect on your deliverance from the power of sin and your new slavery to righteousness.


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